VTNE Study Strategies
VTNE Study Strategies Part 1
VTNE Study Strategies Part 2
VTNE Study Strategies Part 3
VTNE Study Strategies Part 4
Key IV Fluid Therapy Concepts for Dogs and Cats
Parts 1 & 2: Why we give fluids & Where do they go?
Part 3 & 4: Who needs IV fluids & Where we give them
Part 5: Key types of IV fluids
Part 6: How we give IV fluids
Case 1: Ziggy (6 Mo M cat) - Vomiting, lethargy
Case 2: Raider (5 Mo M dog) - Vomiting, collapse, Hx For. body removal
Case 3: MaggieCat (12 y/o FS cat) - Hx CKD, 2d hx vomiting, anorexia
Case 4: Milo (6 y/o MN Great Dane) - Abdominal distention, retching