VTNE top topics:
Bovine nursing overview part 1:
Unique bovine anatomy and physiology

For my own personal use only:
The bovine heart (circle) is in close proximity to the reticulum (arrow)
  • A cow's abdomen is mostly GI tract, so anatomy matters!
  • "Hardware disease" is a good example. A cow eats a nail (they do that!). It punctures the reticulum, diaphragm, and pericardial sac, causing severe heart damage (see image, left).
  • Ruminate on this…Cows spend 7-8 hours per day ruminating (regurgitating & rechewing half-digested grass)!
  • Unique bovine anatomy to keep in mind (see image, right):
    • Poll (1): just caudal to the ears, overlying  first cervical vertebra
    • Withers (2): bony “lump,” caudal aspect of mane; comprised of dorsal spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae
    • Mammary gland (3) or udder: highly developed in milk breeds; smaller in beef breeds
    • Mammary vein (4): large “subcutaneous abdominal vein” - drains large volume of blood away from mammary gland
      • Very large and close to skin surface!
      • Do NOT use mammary vein for venipuncture - complications (e.g., thrombophlebitis) may send a dairy cow to slaughter
    • Short ribs (5): transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae (note: they are NOT ribs)
    • Hocks (6): tarsus (hind limb)
    • Hooks (7): tuber coxae of ilium of pelvis
      • Part of pelvis that protrude furthest lateral when view cow from behind
    • Pins (8): tuber ischii of ischium of pelvis
      • Part of pelvis that protrudes furthest dorsal when view cow from behind
    • Paralumbar fossa (9): space on right and left caudal abdomen bounded by last rib cranially, short ribs dorsally, fold of flank caudo-ventrally 
      • Auscultate digestive organs here
A cow with key external anatomical features labeled to correspond with text (click to enlarge)
  • Unique bovine GI physiology and related management
    • Cows are ruminants, or foregut fermenters
    • Four compartments of ruminant stomach, each with its own unique digestive function: rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum
    • Rumen: large (~40-gallon!) fermentation vat 
      • Here microbes break down plant material into volatile fatty acids (VFAs) 
      • Cow absorbs these VFAs to turn into fuel
    • Reticulum: receives small batches of fermented feed from rumen to send down the digestive tract
      • Heavy ingested particles accumulate here because it is the most ventral compartment
      • Most cows have magnets in the reticulum to bind metal objects 
        • Prevent objects from causing damage (i.e., “hardware disease” or traumatic reticuloperitonitis)
        • Administer to cow at < 1 year of age
    • Omasum: has many folds of mucosa to absorb water from ingesta
    • Abomasum: true, glandular stomach 
      • Acidic pH 
      • Digestive functions typical of carnivores and omnivores
A cow’s forestomach consists of four separate chambers; see text for details
Cows regurgitate ruminal contents to remasticate large particles of feed and buffer it with saliva
  • Unique bovine mammary gland physiology: dairy cows are athletes in their own way
    • Average Holstein produces about 80 lbs/milk/day (= 10 gallons of milk!)
    • We select cattle breeds for milk production (e.g., Holstein, Jersey, and Brown Swiss) that have well-developed mammary glands; producing far more milk than offspring need
    • Milk cows for ~300 days per year
      • Usually milk cows 2-3 times per day
      • “Days in milk” refers to how many days a cow has been lactating
    • Cows have a “dry period” of about 60 days prior to delivering their next calf 
      • We do not milk them during this time
      • Udder has a chance to heal/rest and prepare for next lactation 
      • Cow can devote all her energy stores to the last trimester of gestation
    • Reproduction: milk production requires reproduction! 
      • Breed most dairy breeds for the first time at 12 -13 months of age 
      • 9-month gestation period
      • First 30 days after calving is called the “fresh period”: time of elevated disease risk 
      • Usually rebreed cows at 60-90 days in milk 
      • Ideally, cows give birth and start a new lactation once per year
A cow's udder is highly developed and produces high volumes of milk in the lactating animal
  • Unique bovine musculoskeletal anatomy and physiology: lameness is an important welfare concern in cattle
    • Distal limb has just two digits 
    • More weight-bearing on front limbs than hind limbs
    • Cows typically lay down for 12-14 hours per day to ruminate and rest their limbs 
    • Sole of the foot contains a thick fat pad 
      • Helps with cushioning when standing
      • Decreased body condition can remove this fat store, thus increasing lameness
    • Typically trim hooves once or twice per year on commercial dairy farms
    • Beef cattle that live outdoors are more likely wear their hooves down naturally, depending on terrain 
Cows should lay down on comfortable, clean bedding for 12-14 hours per day

Images courtesy of Liz Brock, DVM, MS except for anatomical specimen (Museum of Veterinary Anatomy FMVZ USPamended by Liz Brock, DVM, MS) and the forestomachs diagram (Sunshineconnelly).

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