Dr. Jennifer Adams’s personal and professional life has covered several aspects of veterinary medicine, as well as multiple areas of the US and Canada. Although born and raised for her first 10 years in California, she is now a confirmed Southern transplant, having attended high school in Atlanta and college in South Carolina. She graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia in 1985.
Jennifer enjoys working on many species, both large and small, and has spent time in several areas of veterinary medicine, in both the US and Canada, in both private practice and academia. She pursued advanced training in large animal internal medicine and veterinary anesthesiology and became board certified in both fields in 1992 and 2009, respectively.
Maintaining her personal veterinary household and the never-ending home repair projects and yard work take up much of Jennifer’s personal time, but she also loves a good movie from time to time or an occasional weekend in the mountains with friends.